Results for "R"

Page 17 of 25

  Title Copies
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v.I - The Christian Life and Message in Relation to Non-Christian Systems 
Year: 1928 
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v. VIII - Addresses and Other Records 
Year: 1928 
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v.VII - International Missionary Co-Operation 
Year: 1928 
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v.VI - The Christian Mission in Relation to Rural Problems 
Year: 1928 
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v.VI - The Christian Mission in Relation to Rural Problems 
Year: 1928 
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v.V - Christianity and the Growth of Industrialism in Asia, Africa, and South America 
Year: 1928 
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v.IV - The Christian Mission in the Light of Race Conflict 
Year: 1928 
Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council: v.III - The Relations Between the Younger and Older Churches 
Year: 1928 
Risking Christ for Christ's Sake: Towards an Ecumenical Theology of Pluralism 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 2825408824 
ISBN 13: 9782825408827 
Call No: 27082 Tho r 
Reformation, Conformity and Dissent: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Nuttall 
Year: 1977 
ISBN: 0716202883 
ISBN 13: 9780716202882 
Call No: 27082 Nut k r