Results for "R"

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  Title Copies
Rome: Opponent or Partner? 
Year: 1965 
Call No: 2804 Ehr r 
Religion and Philosophy 
Year: 1974 
ISBN: 717106705 
Call No: 210 Cop 
Year: 1951 
Call No: 208.21 bible 4 
Resistance Through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-war Britain (University Library) 
Year: 1976 
ISBN: 0091279119 
ISBN 13: 9780091279110 
Call No: 301.185 Res 
Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-structure (The Lewis Henry Morgan lectures) 
Edition: 1St Edition 
Year: 1969 
ISBN: 0710067658 
ISBN 13: 9780710067654 
Call No: 301.2 Tur 
Religious Thought in the Victorian Age: A Survey from Coleridge to Gore 
Year: 1980 
ISBN: 0582491266 
ISBN 13: 9780582491267 
Call No: 27(42)8 Rea r 
Religion and Society in Industrial England: Church, Chapel and Social Change, 1740-1914 
Year: 1976 
Call No: 27(42)8 Gil r 
Refounding the Church: Dissent for Leadership 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 0225666782 
ISBN 13: 9780225666786 
Call No: 282.09082 Arb 
Recovering the Past: Celtic and Roman Mission 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 0232520836 
ISBN 13: 9780232520835 
Call No: 274.102 Fin 
Reason and Religion  
Year: 1987 
Call No: 200.1 Ken r